Over the past year, JUAf was officially registered in Dar es Salaam, and recognized by the Tanzanian Government as a legal Community Based Organization residing in Kikwe Ward in the Maweni Village, Arumeru District.
A celebration was in order, so we invited the community, government officials and a guest of honor to attend our official launch party of JUAf. Asha was a gracious host showing the guests around the village, and explaining to them the various services that we provide the vulnerable community. She discussed with them our microfinance loan program, our ability to provide clean drinking water to the community and our irrigation system for crops. She also discussed the future plans of JUAf with our guests.
The day started out with the women of JUAf welcoming our guests with many songs and skits. They provided skits of how one can get out of poverty with opportunities. Asha then welcomed our guests with a speech explaining to them the vision of our organization which includes not only providing microfinance loans (which we now have 40 women on loans), but also our plans to build an English Medium Nursery School in 2011. She spoke about how JUAf is providing clean drinking water to the community and how we are the only land owners that have clean water.
The Guest of Honor welcomed us into the community and thanked us for buidling a non-profit in the rural communities where they really need assistance versus in the larger city. The Tanzanian Government then provided us with a gracious gift – a tractor! The tractor will help JUAf and the community cultivate our land more efficiently. The community usually hires a cow, a driver and a hoe to cultivate the land which takes 3 days to cultivate 1 acre. The tractor will cultivate 3 acres in just one day. The women of JUAf were thrilled!